Water to save Ekachakra

Our Goal: Install an irrigation system for the EcoYoga Village «Ekachakra» in Catemu, Valparaiso, Chile.
Includes: tools, materials, excavation, labor and maintenance for 6 months.
Estimated cost
$5.000.000 CLP
Percentage of completion
Donations to date: $ 1.729.860
$600.000 Gurudeva Atulananda
$500.000 Saci Mata Visnupriya Asram, Valparaíso – Chile
$150.000 Iksvaku Das
$150.000 Madhan Mohan Das
$100.000 Restaurante Govindas Stgo.
$53.600 Madhurya Devi Dasi
$50.000 Jorge Ortiz
$50.000 Larrota Gómez
$20.000 Cerda Castillo
$20.000 Douzet Fuentes
$19.560 Vira Krishna Das
$16.700 Gabriela Gómez
About us
Ekachakra is an ecovillage who promotes sustainable living practices and a spiritual lifestyle. It is located in the city of Catemu, in the Aconcagua Valley (Valparaiso region, Chile). Despite having an immense scenic beauty, being one of the most important tourist and social attractions in the area, Eka Chakra has suffered for several years a threatening drought and pollution, which makes it increasingly difficult to have access to water to develop our activities of cultivation, care of the land and community life.
Ekachakra is a space of collective, dynamic and constant development, where volunteers from all over the world participate, willing to contribute in exchange for learning traditional organic agriculture techniques, recycling, bio-construction, tree growing, floral decorations, vegetarian and vegan gastronomy, herbalism, music, handicrafts, ceremonies, yoga, ancient Indian philosophy and spirituality. For those who live there, it is considered a space established for self-knowledge, understanding of the self and its relationship with the Universe and the sacred, practicing ancient disciplines of yoga, studies of different sacred books, meditation and a deep connection with Mother Earth and God. Volunteers have the opportunity to learn together with others how to take care of our environment, influencing with concrete actions to improve the relationship between human beings and all that exists.

The problem
The permanent droughts and detour of water flows, increasingly affect the planting, care of trees, flowers, medicinal plants and fauna of the community, putting in risk a wide variety of trees such as almonds, peaches, vines, apples, walnuts, oranges, as well as tulsi gardens, flowers and medicinal herbs; and seasonal organic vegetables such as artichokes, tomatoes, lettuce, chard, corn, peppers, beans and lima beans.
How to help?
We want to continue practicing a sustainable life and sharing all these practices with our volunteers and the community. This would be possible with the installation of a deep well and pump and irrigation systems for the vegetable garden, trees and resident plants within the 6 hectares of land.
Contact with Mother earth is becoming increasingly necessary for our health and quality of life,with your support we can continue sharing this beautiful practice with more people and our community.
Your support will also be contributing to improve the conditions of the School of Agro Conscience «Manos a la tierra» («Hands in the Earth»), a project with which we seek to share ancestral knowledge of Agriculture and Spirituality, in addition to improving the possibilities of traditional, conscious and organic peasant production in the area.
¡Contribuye! y sé parte de esta campaña para ver crecer este espacio natural de aprendizaje y reconexión consciente de Ekachakra y además recibe algunos beneficios por tu aporte:
Option 1
Support with
Get a bag of organic seeds and a sticker from the Ecovillage.
Option 2
Support with
You will get the 1 + a box of fruits, vegetables and medicinal and organic plants from Ekachakra, your choice for January 10, February 10 or March 10.
Option 3
Support with
Get the 2 + an Ekachakra or Hands Down T-shirt.
Option 4
Support with
Get 3 + free access to all Ecovillage activities for one month, transferable invitation.
Option 5
Support with
Get the 4 + a lunch or dinner (prasadam) for 5 people.
Option 6
Support with
Get 4 + a lunch or dinner (prasadam) for 20 people plus a kirtan (music to sing and dance).
Option 7
Support with
Get the 3 + a free pass, sharable to all the activities of the Ecovillage for a whole year. They include the School of Agroconscience, parties, workshops and temazcales.
Option 8
Support with
Get the 5 and you will also be giving away 4 Agroconscience workshops / talks for the Catemu schools (Photographic record will be delivered).
Let’s go for an irrigation system for Ekachakra!
From Chile
Cta. Rut Bco Estado
10.971.371 – 6
Carlos Cristian Machuca Muñoz
Count of prabhu Murari Das
(Farmer of Ekachakra)